Morris RAZR Disc Seeder Brochure

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1. PRINTED IN CANADA 0111.0111.1500 CORPORATE OFFICE & TRAINING CENTRE - 2131 Airport Drive, Saskatoon, SK Canada S7L 7E1 Telephone: 306.933.8585 Fax: 306.933.8626 Questions? email: The policy of MORRIS INDUSTRIES LTD. is one of continuing improvement; therefore, the company reserves the right to change spec ifications without notice. TECHNOLOGY SO SHARP IT’S PUSHED TO THE CUTTING EDGE R AZR Disc A i R DR ill s peci f ications and Options Base s i z e 3 F r ame Models 5 F r ame Models 40’ ( 1 2. 1 9 m) 50’ ( 1 5.24 m) 60’ ( 1 8.29) W eight - 7 .5” Spacing 1 9 cm Spacing 29,847 lb 13,538 kg 37,360 lb 16,946 kg 44,872 lb 20,353 kg - 1 0” Spacing 25.4 cm Spacing 26,599 lb 12,065 kg 33,168 lb 15,044 kg 40,342 lb 18,298 kg - 1 5” Spacing 38.1 cm Spacing 23,554 lb 10,684 kg 29,443 lb 13,355 kg 35,331 lb 16,025 kg W orking W idth - 7 .5” ( 1 9 cm) - 1 0” (25.4 cm) - 1 5” (38.1 cm) 38’ 4.5” ( 1 2 m) 39’ 2” ( 1 1 .93 m) 40’ ( 1 2. 1 9 m) 49’ 4.5” ( 1 5.05 m) 49’ 2” ( 1 4.99 m) 50’ ( 1 5.24 m) 59’ 4.5” ( 1 8. 1 0 m) 59’ 2 “ ( 1 8.03 m) 60’ ( 1 8.29 m) Number of Opene r s - 7 .5” ( 1 9 cm) - 1 0” (25.4 cm) - 1 5” (38.1 cm) 63 47 32 79 59 40 95 71 48 F r ame W idth - Main - W ing Inner - W ing Ou t er 1 4’ 3.5” (4.356m) 1 1’ 1 1 .5” (3.645m) N/A 1 4’ 3.5” (4.356m) 1 1’ 1 1 .5” (3.645m) 5’ 4.84” ( 1 .647m) 1 4’ 3.5” (4.356m) 1 1’ 1 1 .5” (3.645m) 9’ 1 1 .25” (3.029m) T r ansport P osition - W idth - Height - Length 1 5’ 1 1” (4.85 m) 20 ’ 3 ” (6.17 m) 31’ 7” (9.63 m) 20’ 3” (6. 1 7m) 1 5’ 1 1” (4.85 m) 35’ 8”( 1 0.87 m) 20’ 3” (6. 1 7m) 1 5’ 1 1” (4.85 m) 35’ 8”( 1 0.87 m) T i r es - Main F r ame W heels (8) 1 6.5x 1 6.1 FI Load R ange E (8) 1 6.5x 1 6.1 FI Load R ange E (8) 1 6.5x 1 6.1 FI Load R ange E - W ing F r ame F r ont C as t or W heels D ual C as t or (8) 1 2.5SLx 1 5 1 2 P l y R ating D ual C as t or (8) 1 2.5SLx 1 5 1 2 P l y R ating D ual C as t or (8) 1 2.5SLx 1 5 1 2 P l y R ating - W ing F r ame R ear W heels (2 per wing) (8) 1 2.5SLx 1 5 1 2 P l y R ating (2 per wing) (8) 1 2.5SLx 1 5 1 2 P l y R ating (2 per wing) (8) 1 2.5SLx 1 5 1 2 P l y R ating Opener - Disc D o wn F o r ce A djus t able f r om 200 lbs (90.7 k g) t o a maximum of 7 .5” Spacing – 465 lbs* (2 1 0.9 k g)* 1 0” Spacing – 550 lbs* (249.5 k g)* 1 5” Spacing – 690 lbs (3 1 3 k g ) *Limi t ed b y a v ailable f r ame w eight - P acking F o r ce Inc r eases p r oportional l y with Disc D o wn F o r ce - 66 lbs t o 1 50 lbs (30 k g - 68 k g) - Disc Si z e 1/4 x 20” (0.63 cm x 50.8 cm) at 5 Deg r ee Angle - Gauge W heel 4 1/2 x 1 6 x 3 Spo k e - P ac k er W heel 4 x 1 2 D ual Rib Opener t o G r ound Clea r ance 1 0” (25.4 cm) R ank t o R ank Spacing 59” cen t er t o cen t er Number of R anks 2 Ro ws Shank t o Shank Spacing 1 5” (38.1 cm) on 7 .5” ( 1 9 cm) Spacing 20” (50.8 cm) on 1 0” (25.4 cm) Spacing 30” ( 7 6.2 cm) on 1 5” (38.1 cm) Spacing W eight Kit Optional S a f e t y Lights S t anda r d Hitch Cl e vis S t anda r d - C a t agory 4 Optional - C a t agory 5 S a f e t y Chain S t anda r d Speci f ications a r e estima t es and subject t o chang e . RAZR DISC AIR DRILL Specifications and Options

2. The new Morris RAZR Disc Drill gives you a performance edge. The walking beam design provides excellent ground following, constant scraper to ground angle and positive furrow closing while creating weight transfer onto the disc blade for added ground penetration. The proven parallel linkage system delivers 10 " of transport height while allowing 18 " of operating travel and constant down force over the entire working range. Every feature measures up The RAZR Disc Drill features a 20” diameter disc blade to give long wear in the field and allows for a reduced blade angle of 5 degrees while still forming the seed furrow. The 12” dual rib packer wheel connected to the walking beam closes the furrow and firms the soil over the seed. The 16” spoke gauge wheel that runs beside the disc, eliminates mud build up and plugging between the gauge wheel and disc blade. The carbide-equipped scraper provides extra wear life and durability. Easy to set adjustments And with the RAZR Disc Drill adjustments for depth, hydraulic pressure, closing wheel and the scraper are easy to set. The heavy duty 4” x 6” frame, non- greased composite linkage bushings with two 100-hour hub grease points per opener makes the drill robust and easy to service. Seed at faster field speeds Aside from being able to work in tough conditions the RAZR Disc Drill offers the ability to seed at faster field speeds. Sizes of 40, 50 and 60 feet working widths are available with choice of 7.5”, 10” or 15” spacing. More efficient tractor hydraulic demand Pressure is maintained on the disc unit cylinders through a passive hydraulic system that uses a hydraulic accumulator. This acts as a cushion for the discs and considerably reduces tractor hydraulic demand compared to continuous flow designs. By adding or subtracting oil from the accumulator circuit through a tractor remote, pressure in the accumulator system can be raised and lowered which provides a corresponding increase in downward force and packing pressure. Cutting Edge Disc Drill Technology Hydraulic valve manifold for opener pressure Simple adjustments for depth control Walking beam design for better penetration ability at higher speeds In-cab pressure control Down force can be adjusted from 200 to 690 lbs depending on spacing and available frame weight


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